I don’t have time to learn to swim … I’m too busy drowning!
If it was easy, then you wouldn’t be having a problem.
If you could have fixed it by yourself, then you would have done it by now.
All of us need help … even if sometimes it’s simply an outsider’s perspective. Tracey McGrath can help.
Listed below are some of programs that Tracey McGrath has developed to address client problems.
Each program has an emotional intelligence core and addresses underlying barriers since staff resistance is rarely a skill issue and more typically it is an ethical or emotional one.
Each program provides practical solutions that suit your organisation. This doesn’t necessarily mean ‘best practice’ but rather the practice that your people can cope with and will be willing to implement.
“Eighty percent of business is about one human being attempting to communicate with another”
Leadership & Management
Emotional Fallout & Stress
Emotional Intelligence
Connecting With Clients
“Delightful, intelligent & innovative leader”
“Tracey is a most delightful, intelligent and innovative leader. She assisted, developed and facilitated a one year program to empower women. The program was aimed to assist BHI women to understand office politics, network opportunities, profiling and limiting beliefs that could hold back their careers. She also assisted in giving women an understanding of their role and perception in a male-dominated industry. Tracey is a delight and inspiration to work with – she is generous of spirit, makes you laugh and passionate about her role as educator and transformer.”
Frances Eaton | Senior Manager, Human Resources, Australasia | Baker Hughes
“More than 70% of our staff have voluntarily attended”
“The feedback we received from Tracey McGrath’s “Working Well: Mental Health First Aid in the Workplace” program was overwhelmingly positive. Our staff consistently rate this workshop the best PD activity they have participated in to date, noting its practical applications in both the workplace and in their personal lives. We are about to run our 8th fully booked workshop this month, meaning that more than 70% of our staff have voluntarily attended these workshops and demand is still strong.
It is deeply satisfying and encouraging watching staff move from feeling completely out of their depth to feeling more confident when having difficult conversation around managing Mental Health issues in the workplace, in the course of a day.
I highly recommend this course to any organisations wishing to start and/or further develop meaningful “Working Well” conversations in the workplace.”
Kelly Maher | Manager, Human Resources and Workplace Relations | South West Institute of TAFE