About Tracey McGrath International
The Problem
People make or break workplaces
People make the decisions that determine the success of your organisation’s future. They will…
- design and use, or ignore and abuse the systems & technology aimed at achieving your organisational outcomes.
- determine whether your clients love or loath dealing with you.
- decide whether to use their innovation to create or kill your business objectives.
- affect and influence the culture which then builds or destroys engagement, morale and retention.
- make or break your organisation … and sometimes your heart!

Tracey McGrath’s expertise delivers solutions to interpersonal workplace problems.
Are your managers reluctant to tackle conflict and/or difficult conversations?
Are staff actively competing rather than cooperating?
Do you have key people exhibiting poor emotional intelligence and being insensitive to the needs of others?
Do you lose too many hours dealing with complaints or Ministerials?
Is there evidence of anxiety, stress and burnout (all exorbitant compensation costs) rather than of confident, resilient staff?
Is there infighting rather than teamwork?
Are your people actively resisting change?
Would you like your people to think more effectively – not personalising, grudge holding or staying entrenched in negativity?
Would you love to see the end of passive-aggressive behaviour?
Do you dread coming to work?
TMI can help!
Tracey McGrath is passionate about helping you resolve your people problems. Whether the problem is your colleagues, your clients, or YOU!



